It's creamy, chocolatey and nutritious! It requires five ingredients and whips up in minutes!

There's no added sugar and all the sweetness comes from a ripened banana. So, yes, this smoothie is good for you and you can enjoy it guilt-free!

Ingredients Needed

Step 1. Add all the ingredients to a blender, and blend on high until smooth & creamy. Step 2.  The consistency should be thick, but if it's too thick, add a few splashes of milk. If it's too thin, add more frozen banana. Pour into your favorite glass and serve. Enjoy!

If you freeze your own bananas, make sure they are nicely ripened beforehand. Otherwise, they won't provide much sweetness to the smoothie.

 You can use a small handful of ice to make the smoothie colder, but don't add too much or it will water down the flavors.

If you'd like a touch more sweetness, you can blend in a few Medjool Dates to take it up a notch.

"Love this!! Easy and great on the go! And super delish!!"


"This was delicious! This is going into my recipe binder! This tasted like a decadent dessert! I bet you could make this into banana nice cream if you added more frozen bananas."

-Alicia Ogard